- Health

Allergy Testing Singapore: How do you Know if you Need Allergy Testing?

Allergies are a reaction of the body’s immune system to foreign substances, such as pollen, dust, or food.

When an allergen enters the body, the immune system releases chemicals, such as histamines, which cause symptoms such as itching, swelling, and sneezing. In extreme cases, allergic reactions can trigger anaphylaxis. This is a potentially life-threatening condition.

For these reasons, it is important to test for allergies so that you can avoid exposure to allergens and receive treatment if necessary. If you have a positive allergy test, your doctor will work with you to develop a treatment plan that may include avoidance of allergens, medication, and/or immunotherapy. With proper diagnosis and treatment, you can manage your allergies and live a normal, healthy life.

How do you know it is Time to Have an Allergy Test?

If you suspect that you could be having an allergy, a fairly common question that could be bugging you is; how do you even know if you need allergy testing? If that’s the issue, this answer may help; If you’re only experiencing symptoms during certain times of the year, likely, you don’t need allergy testing.

However, if your symptoms are persistent or severe, then allergy testing may be recommended.  Another indicator that you may need allergy testing is if other family members have allergies.

Allergies are often hereditary, so if someone in your family has them, there’s a chance you’ll develop them at some point as well. If you’re unsure whether or not you should get allergy testing, talk to your doctor.

They can help you determine whether or not testing is necessary based on your symptoms and family history. Usually, the decision to test for allergies is based on a combination of these factors. Some of the questions you can expect your doctor to ask include:

  • What are your symptoms?
  • When do your symptoms occur?
  • Do you have any other medical conditions?
  • Have you tried avoiding potential allergens?
  • Have you tried over-the-counter or prescription medications?
  • Have your symptoms been getting worse over time?

After answering these questions, your doctor will likely have a good idea of whether or not you need allergy testing. If they recommend testing, they will choose the best method based on your individual symptoms and health history.

How do you get tested for Allergies?

You might have seasonal allergies, or you could be allergic to a specific food or material. If you’re unsure what’s causing your allergies, you might need an allergy test.

Skin prick tests, blood tests, and challenge tests can help your doctor confirm whether or not you have allergies. They can also provide information about what you’re allergic to.

Allergy tests are usually quick and easy to do. The skin prick test is usually the first test that doctors do.

During a skin prick test, your doctor will place a drop of a suspected allergen on your skin. Then, they will use a small needle or lancet to prick the surface of your skin.

If you’re allergic to the substance, you’ll develop a raised bump or hive within 15 minutes. A positive skin prick test doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have a severe allergic reaction if exposed to the allergen.

However, it does indicate that you have an allergy. Blood tests are another option for diagnosing allergies. During a blood test, a sample of your blood will be taken and sent to a laboratory for testing. Blood tests can take a few days to get results back.

They’re not as sensitive as skin prick tests, but they can be helpful if you have eczema or can’t have a skin prick test for another reason. There is also the challenge test which involves being exposed to a suspected allergen under medical supervision.

This test isn’t used as often because it can be riskier than other types of tests. However, it may be the only way to confirm an allergy in some cases. Allergy testing is generally safe and can help you identify the substances that trigger your allergies.

How much does Allergy Testing Cost, and is it Covered by Insurance Plans?

If you’re considering allergy testing, you may wonder how much it will cost. The cost of allergy testing can vary depending on the type of test and where it’s performed.

A skin prick test, for example, is often done in a doctor’s office and typically costs between $60 and $300. Blood tests are usually more expensive, costing between $200 and $1,000.

In some cases, your insurance may cover the cost of allergy testing. However, it’s important to check with your insurance provider to find out what’s covered before you have the test.

If your insurance doesn’t cover the cost of testing, you may be able to negotiate a payment plan with your doctor. Allergy testing is an important tool in diagnosing allergies and determining the best course of treatment. With the help of your doctor, you can find a plan that fits both your needs and your budget.

What happens if the Allergy Test is Positive?

If your allergy test is positive, it means that you’re allergic to the substance that was tested. Your doctor will work with you to develop a treatment plan that can help you manage your symptoms.

In some cases, avoiding the allergen is the best way to prevent an allergic reaction. If you’re allergic to a particular food, for example, you’ll need to avoid eating that food.

If you’re allergic to pollen or pet dander, you may need to take steps to limit your exposure to those substances. In other cases, your doctor may recommend medication to help you manage your allergies.

There are a variety of allergy medications available, including antihistamines, decongestants, and corticosteroids. Some people may also need to undergo allergy shots (immunotherapy) to help reduce their sensitivity to allergens.

Final Thoughts

Knowing whether or not you have allergies is the first step in managing them. Allergy testing can help you determine what you’re allergic to and find the best way to avoid or treat your symptoms.

If you think you may have allergies, talk to your doctor about getting tested. With the right treatment plan, you can manage your allergies and live a comfortable, symptom-free life.

We offer a variety of allergy testing options to help you identify your allergies and develop a treatment plan. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment. Call: (+65) 6226 6442.


The Health Advisory Clinic – Women’s Health | STD/HIV Testing
1 Raffles Pl, #04-49, Singapore 048616
+65 9886 6442


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